Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The 1st of Many Bike Rides

We are in the process of gearing up to bike this Summer!

Spencer with his new bike

Scarlett testing out her new ride!

I think she's excited!

And off they go!

I'm super excited to get back in shape!

1st Trip to St. George

This trip was a turning point for me! This was when I realized I needed to start making some transitions (see prior post). Both Scarlett & I needed a vacation badly. She was a happier baby during this trip & I think it in part had to do with me being happier as well. There's just something about a change of scenery & warmer weather that can do wonders for you.

Reasons being, I had my mom & sisters to help feed the baby while I pumped. Scarlett went off her acid reflux meds & tried rice cereal for the first time. She slept through the night the entire time. We went shopping & ate & ate. Lots of good things happened!

Car ride down... she slept almost the whole time!

Eating in the car 

 We made it!

My sister Christine & her kids

 My mom being so helpful!

About to take her first bite of cereal!

She didn't know what to think!

My mom playing with Scarlett

This was a first. Scarlett fell asleep at Olive Garden & slept the whole time we were eating. Normally she wouldn't sleep flat on her back but I think she was so happy to be off reflux meds!

Enjoying lunch at Olive Garden. Embree is having a great time too!

Bye Bye St. George... see you in May!


Last month I was MMIA (Mother Missing in Action) b/c my baby girl hit a lot of milestones & made some tough transitions. 

Transition #1: Switching from breast-milk to soy formula

This transition was easy for Scarlett but not for me. I felt guilty because I knew that "breast is best" but I also knew that being a happy Mom was far better. Scarlett had a hard time breast-feeding b/c of acid reflux which made it so that she was bottle fed strictly breast-milk since about 6 weeks old. After an emotionally difficult time trying to make it work, I decided that bottle was best but she was still getting the liquid gold. 

I spent about 4-6 hours out of my day just doing feedings. First she would get a bottle, then I would spend the next 20 minutes pumping, and the next 15 minutes cleaning bottles & pump supplies.

(All of this needed cleaned, usually by hand)

It would take me an hour just to get out the door if we had to be somewhere & then the stress of counting down the minutes until the next feeding/pumping session was such a drag. I would dread it every. single. time. Then on top of feeding her breast-milk, I couldn't eat any dairy b/c she would become colicky & her tummy would hurt. This was torture for me!

Long story short, I was becoming depressed and decided that in order to be happier, I needed to switch to soy formula. Not only would this free up A LOT of my time, but I would be in a better emotional state for my baby, which to me, was worth it. She didn't mind the weaning process & just drank the soy formula as if nothing ever changed in her bottles. That was easy!

Side Note: For any Mom's who are/were in this situation, you seriously deserve a medal! I am not dis-crediting breast-feeding. It just didn't work out for me & I applaud all Mom's who continue to pump/breast-feed. It's a feat!

Transition #2: Crib Training

At around 3 1/2 months old, Scarlett's acid reflux went away. (PHEW! So glad to have that in the past.) But she was sleeping in a bouncer seat on her side because it kept her in an upright position in order to keep the acid down. She was getting too big for it & I knew that I needed to get her in the crib before she got older & harder to train.

Here she is sleeping in the bouncer:

Scarlett showing her cousin Taysen how to sleep on your side :)

Enter --> Crib Training!

I braced myself for some long nights b/c I knew that she would be waking in an un-familiar place (& boy did she!) I started by letting her play in the crib during play times so she could get used to the view. Then I put her bouncer inside the crib to keep getting used to the view. Luckily, she didn't have a hard time taking naps during the day but night was the worst. I resorted to just letting her sleep in the bouncer only at night but inside the crib. Finally, after 2 weeks, and a little more crying than we were used to (Wait... she cried a lot during the first 3 1/2 months of her life), she refused the bouncer when I went to put her to bed! & from then on, she has slept in her crib like a baby. (Wait... she is a baby...)

Dad setting up the crib

The first nap was a success but it went downhill from here...

 I positioned blankets & put the bouncer headrest in the crib so she still felt snug. You can't tell from the picture but I also raised the head of the mattress with a pillow underneath it.

 Then wa-la! It was done, and she is officially a crib sleeper.