Sorry these posts are a little bit late! We decided to paint our bedroom about 3 weeks ago for a Spring project because all of the walls were white and made it seem really washed out and dull. Our good friend JP is going into Industrial Design and part of that is learning interior design so he's really good with colors and decorating and helped us pick out the colors! I haven't taken any pictures of After yet because it's still not finished!


We left Sophie in the hall while we were painting because we didn't want her to get into the paint! We also left our mattress in the hall with her and when we came out to check on her, this is what we discovered. She tore a giant hole in our mattress!! Oh we were so upset at her. She went in her kennel the rest of the night.

Thanks JP for helping us!! The after pictures will come soon. We still need to figure out our bedding to match the colors.
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