I love the Fall! The trees are gorgeous and there are so many fun festivities going on. I held a pumpkin carving party with the cousins at my house and took a lot of pictures. I did fail to get one of Spencer and I but we had a yummy BBQ and had a fun time hanging out.

Let the carving begin!

Treven & Brittany

Eboni & Date (Forgot the name) Please forgive me.. this was already almost 3 weeks ago!

Christine & Baby Parker

The boys that didn't feel like carving... here they are watching How to Train Your Dragon

Britney & Joe

Brandon & Emily

And here we are playing Halloween BINGO! I think this was my favorite part of the night, we all got laughing so hard just cracking jokes and eating stale peanuts. (I couldn't find any game pieces so we broke out the year old peanuts) and the boys weren't too thrilled about the prizes either! I don't blame them.. who wants to win stale Good & Plenty's? Courtesy of my Mother's pantry...

I was so happy with the way these turned out... so fun!
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