It seems as though my blog gets regularly updated with the seasons. So here you go, here is a recap of Fall 2012!
Spencer started school at the University of Utah and sometimes takes Trax. We decided it would be fun to take Trax on a date down to City Creek one evening. There was hardly anyone on the train so we got comfortable.
I found my new favorite smell at Bath & Body Works called "Love, Love, Love"
I got to meet the makers behind my favorite cooking blog called "Our Best Bites" at a book signing!
I love seeing storms like this rolling through from my back deck. Makes me want to stay in and be cozy!
One night Kayla came over to play games and Sophie passed out. She looked so cute that I wrapped her in a blanket.
Spencer's favorite yogurt drink called "Kefir". I had to take a picture of this because we've never seen so many flavors! Thank you Dan's at Foothill Village.
Rock climbing fun with my cousin Eboni and her husband Parker at Trafalga!
Fall brings many fruits and vegetables to harvest. Spencer bought a pressure cooker and we canned until our heart was content! We got a ton of fruits & vegetables from Spencer's grandma's garden. Rember
this post? Eboni & Parker helped us do the pears since they were the most difficult.
Then over conference weekend we babysat the girls. What a better time than to listen to conference and get all of your canning done? Especially in a huge functional kitchen!
Canned Apples

I love Halloween! Spence and I don't like to dress up because let's face it...who wants to waste money on costumes? For some reason, we never justify it because I'd rather have that cute shirt I've been eyeing and Spencer would rather keep saving for his knife sharpener.
I think my most favorite part is decorating my house! Someday I will have little children to dress up and I'm so excited to create traditions with them. I remember the smell of Beef Stew on Halloween night and running around the neighborhood until my legs were sore. I had the best childhood.
Sophie cuddling her new Ice Age toy (which no longer exists because she thinks it needs torn apart in two days)
Hiking the beautiful Bonneville Shoreline Trail by my house. The fall leaves were so beautiful and we had such a warm Fall.

I was driving home from work one rainy day and the clouds were low and contrasted beautifully with the red & orange leaves. I snapped a pic.
I babysat my niece Embree and nephew Cooper. I was so proud of myself for being brave enough to take two kids to Target! We even had fun trying on silly glasses.
Now that Spencer is back in school, I have some time on my hands and I love a clean house! All tidied up waiting for him to get home.
The "Crazy Corn Maze". I'd been dying to go to a Corn Maze this year and we almost didn't go until 2 days before Halloween when some friends called us up and asked us to come along. I was ecstatic! Spencer....not so much.
And a little glimpse into what Spence and I text about somedays....