Spencer is SO glad he found a hobby to enjoy during the Winter. Yesterday he told me that if it weren't for this Winter hobby of his, we would have been moving to Arizona or somewhere warm. I wouldn't complain because I don't like the winter at all! Spencer has been Fly Fishing and is obsessed. It started around Halloween of last year when his friend Colter showed him a Fly rod that he made; they spent around 2 hours in the street practicing casting and Spencer was set to buy one. He's mostly been fishing the Prove River, practicing at the Sandy pond, & I think once this Winter he and Colter went to the Weber. I have yet to come on one of these excursions but I figure that I will wait for the Summer when I can sit in a folding chair in the sun, and read a good book while he shows off his tricks :) I don't know how they can stand being in this freezing weather! It sure is beautiful though.
Brown Trout
Beautiful sunset coming down Parley's Canyon
Colter talking to the Sheep
Oh my gosh, I just finished commenting on my friends facebook status about seeing falling snow for the first time last month and how I prefer Arizona's 75 degree weather. I even wrote "it sure is pretty though" just like you did. How funny. Spencers red hands make the weather seem miserable. I'm frozen today and it's gotta be in the 50's or something haha.